MeSH tree
Descripteur français Maladies transmissibles émergentes
Descripteur américain Communicable Diseases, Emerging
Terme(s) français Maladies transmissibles émergentes /
Terme(s) américain(s) Communicable Diseases, Emerging / Communicable Diseases, Reemerging / Communicable Disease, Reemerging / Disease, Reemerging Communicable / Diseases, Reemerging Communicable / Reemerging Communicable Disease / Reemerging Communicable Diseases / Communicable Diseases, Re-Emerging / Communicable Disease, Re-Emerging / Communicable Diseases, Re Emerging / Disease, Re-Emerging Communicable / Diseases, Re-Emerging Communicable / Re-Emerging Communicable Disease / Re-Emerging Communicable Diseases / Infectious Diseases, Re-Emerging / Disease, Re-Emerging Infectious / Diseases, Re-Emerging Infectious / Infectious Disease, Re-Emerging / Infectious Diseases, Re Emerging / Re-Emerging Infectious Disease / Re-Emerging Infectious Diseases / Infectious Diseases, Reemerging / Disease, Reemerging Infectious / Diseases, Reemerging Infectious / Infectious Disease, Reemerging / Reemerging Infectious Disease / Reemerging Infectious Diseases /
Scope Note Infectious diseases that are novel in their outbreak ranges (geographic and host) or transmission mode.
Code(s) d'arborescence C01.221.500 / C23.550.291.531.750 /
Qualificatifs autorisés français diagnostic / parasitologie / immunologie / microbiologie / imagerie diagnostique / physiopathologie / rééducation et réadaptation / enzymologie / étiologie / transmission / mortalité / épidémiologie / sang / liquide cérébrospinal / induit chimiquement / congénital / diétothérapie / traitement médicamenteux / thérapie / psychologie / urine / virologie / médecine vétérinaire / histoire / classification / économie / embryologie / génétique / soins infirmiers / radiothérapie / ethnologie / prévention et contrôle / anatomopathologie / métabolisme / complications / chirurgie /
Qualificatifs autorisés américains diagnosis / parasitology / immunology / microbiology / diagnostic imaging / physiopathology / rehabilitation / enzymology / etiology / transmission / mortality / epidemiology / blood / cerebrospinal fluid / chemically induced / congenital / diet therapy / drug therapy / therapy / psychology / urine / virology / veterinary / history / classification / economics / embryology / genetics / nursing / radiotherapy / ethnology / prevention & control / pathology / metabolism / complications / surgery /
Qualificatifs autorisés abrégés DI / PS / IM / MI / DG / PP / RH / EN / ET / TM / MO / EP / BL / CF / CI / CN / DH / DT / TH / PX / UR / VI / VE / HI / CL / EC / EM / GE / NU / RT / EH / PC / PA / ME / CO / SU /
Indexation antérieure Communicable Diseases (1966-2000) /
Identifiant D021821
Date d'ajout et note historique 2001
Voir aussi le(s) descripteur(s) français
Voir aussi le(s) descripteur(s) américain(s) Communicable Diseases, Imported / Zoonoses /