MeSH tree
Descripteur français Récepteurs viraux
Descripteur américain Receptors, Virus
Terme(s) français Récepteurs viraux /
Terme(s) américain(s) Receptors, Virus / Virus Entry Receptors / Entry Receptors, Virus / Receptors, Virus Entry / Virus Entry Receptor / Entry Receptor, Virus / Receptor, Virus Entry / Viral Entry Receptor / Entry Receptor, Viral / Receptor, Viral Entry / Viral Entry Receptors / Entry Receptors, Viral / Receptors, Viral Entry / Virus Attachment Factors / Attachment Factors, Virus / Virus Attachment Receptor / Attachment Receptor, Virus / Receptor, Virus Attachment / Virus Attachment Factor / Attachment Factor, Virus / Virus Attachment Receptors / Attachment Receptors, Virus / Receptors, Virus Attachment /
Scope Note Specific molecular components of the cell capable of recognizing and interacting with a virus, and which, after binding it, are capable of generating some signal that initiates the chain of events leading to the biological response.
Scope Note A surface protein on a cell that interacts with a virus thus initiating a chain of events leading to the internalization of the virus or the viral genetic material.
Scope Note Protein, carbohydrate, or lipid factors on the surface of a susceptible cell that facilitate the binding of a virus to the entry receptor.
Code(s) d'arborescence D12.776.543.750.830 /
Qualificatifs autorisés français administration et posologie / analyse / antagonistes et inhibiteurs / biosynthèse / sang / classification / effets des médicaments et des substances chimiques / génétique / histoire / immunologie / isolement et purification / métabolisme / physiologie / effets des radiations / usage thérapeutique / ultrastructure / composition chimique / agonistes /
Qualificatifs autorisés américains administration & dosage / analysis / antagonists & inhibitors / biosynthesis / blood / classification / drug effects / genetics / history / immunology / isolation & purification / metabolism / physiology / radiation effects / therapeutic use / ultrastructure / chemistry / agonists /
Qualificatifs autorisés abrégés AD / AN / AI / BI / BL / CL / DE / GE / HI / IM / IP / ME / PH / RE / TU / UL / CH / AG /
Indexation antérieure Binding Sites (1968-1978) /
Identifiant D011991
Date d'ajout et note historique 1979
Voir aussi le(s) descripteur(s) français
Voir aussi le(s) descripteur(s) américain(s) Bacteriophage Receptors / Virus Attachment /